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Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
Data Mining with the Java SOMToolbox
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Latest Downloads

The Java SOMToolbox is developed and maintained at the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive System at the Vienna University of Technology, as a research prototype.

The Java SOMToolbox is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0., and you are free to use the software for any kind of purpose that conforms with the license.

Managed releases

Releases officially managed by the somtoolbox development team (that are packages with a specific version number) are available on a separate download page. These packages are considered more stable than the latest builds available below.

Latest builds

Downloads on this page are "latest builds" and only basically tested. For more stable and reliable packages please refer to the managed releases pages

All downloads require a Java 1.6 runtime environment. The package comes with a startup script for Windows and Linux based operation systems, and all needed libraries included. A set of sample benchmark data sets, and maps trained thereof, is also included.

Binary distribution package

Includes compiled byte code (.class files) and all third-party libraries
  • tar.gz (ca. 43MB) 23.11.2018 16:46
  • zip (ca. 45MB) 23.11.2018 16:45

Binary and source distribution package

Includes source files, compiled byte code (.class files) and all third-party libraries
  • tar.gz (ca. 97MB) 23.11.2018 16:47
  • zip (ca. 99MB) 23.11.2018 16:46


Includes compiled byte code (.class files), all third-party libraries, and start-menu entries for viewing the Demo Maps
Offline Installer (contains all components for offline installation) Net-Installer (downloads components as needed)

Debian repository

Includes compiled byte code (.class files), all third-party libraries, and start-menu entries for viewing the Demo Maps

A convenient solution for Debian (and other Debian-based operating systems such as Ubuntu).
You can add the repository to your system in two ways:
  1. Add the following APT line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, or to a new file in your /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory.

    deb http://olymp.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/apt testing main #IFS/Vienna University of Technology

    Then, you need to reload the package information, install the repository keyring, and reload the package information again:

    sudo aptitude update
    sudo aptitude install olymp-keyring
    sudo aptitude update
  2. You can also do all this steps with the following command:

    sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ifs-Vienna_testing.list http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/dm/somtoolbox/ifs-Vienna_testing.list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install olymp-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update

Finally, you should install the somtoolbox packages via aptitude or synaptic.

There is also a nightly build of the debian package, if you want to always receive the latest developments. However, be advised that these nightly builds might include bugs, ...

deb http://olymp.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/apt nightly main #IFS/Vienna University of Technology