Former Projects and Activities of Mark Guttenbrunner


Research Studio Digital Memory Engineering

The Austrian Research Studio Digital Memory Engineering conducted industry-oriented research and development in the field of digital preservation. The aim of the DME was the development of preservation solutions for the industry with a special focus on SMEs.


Permanent Long-term Access through Networked Services (IP (FP7))

Planets was a four-year project which will help organisations in Europe to address the challenges of protecting digital content so that it may be accessed in the long-term.
Archiving System for Small Instiutions
Preservation Planning Tool support (Plato)

Local Organiser of IPRES 2010

Scalable Preservation Environments

The International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2010) in Vienna in September 2010 was the seventh in the series of annual international conferences that bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world to explore the latest trends, innovations, and practices in preserving our digital heritage.


Coordinated Action (FP6)

DPE facilitated pooling of the complementary expertise that exists across the academic research, cultural, public administration and industry sectors in Europe. DPE fostered collaboration and synergies between many existing national and international initiatives across the European Research Area.