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Document Exploration and Linking Tool (with Addons) (DELT/A)

formerly known as Guideline Markup Tool (GMT)

by Peter Votruba

Install Page

current version: 2.7.3 (build #452 from 27.04.2006)
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main page

  1. Prerequisite: You need Java since version 1.4. You can get the latest Java version from
  2. Download either or delta.tar.gz (these two archives have the same content except that delta.tar.gz contains Linux shell scripts instead of .bat files)
  3. Extract the archive to a new folder (you can also extract a new version over an old one)
  4. Run it by either using one of the start scripts or by double-clicking on delta.jar
Note: this package already contains some sample files, projects and XML-Language definitions. On the first start, it opens one of the sample projects (HTML-MHB).
Alternatively, you can start DELTA directly - without any downloading and extracting - using Java WebStart:
This way ensures that you will use always the latest DELTA version.
The disadvantage of this way is that you do not get the examples and the XML language definitions that are included in the download package.

Any problems, questions regarding DELT/A or request for new features? Mail me.

Last update at 27.04.2006 by Peter Votruba -