asgaard Logo by Klaus H.

Document Exploration and Linking Tool (with Addons)

formerly known as Guideline Markup Tool (GMT)

by Peter Votruba

current version: 2.7.3 (build #452 from 27.04.2006)

Note on new name: GMT was originally developed to faciliate modelling of clinical guidelines and - in detail - to support links between a HTML file and a Asbru XML file. After more than two years of improving this tool, it now supports any XML language and provides many additional advanced features. So, we have recently changed the name of GMT to DELTA to reflect the evolution of the tool: "Document" instead of "Guideline" to reflect that it now supports not only guidelines, but any XML files. The term "Exploration" stands also for browsing, visualizing and changing an XML file. "Linking" was already a main feature of GMT and is still a major feature of DELTA. Since these words combined together with "Tool" would result in the unattractive abbreviation "DELT", we have bought an "A" that stands for "Add-Ons" - the first add-on available is an special editor for DELTA macro files.


About:  top

The Document Exploration and Linking Tool (with Addons) (DELT/A) provides an easy way to create a new XML file and to establish links between the XML file and a HTML file with the help of macros. ...

Abstract taken from my Master's Thesis (1.83 MB - "Structured Knowledge Acquisition for Asbru"):

There are several efforts to map clinical guidelines to a form, which can be further processed by special programs. All these approaches have a common drawback: they do not allow to define a persistent connection between the original guideline and its computerized version. Therefore, it is often difficult to comprehend the translation process at a later time.
This thesis introduces a tool that was designed to overcome this drawback. It was developed as part of the Asgaard project, which aims at developing methods and tools for authoring, validation and execution of clinical guidelines. The so-called Guideline Markup Tool (GMT) facilitates the translation of guidelines into the guideline representation language Asbru, which is also part of the Asgaard project. On the one hand, this tool enables creating links between the original guideline and its Asbru representation. On the other hand, it supports constructing a new Asbru guideline through providing macros, which combine one or more Asbru elements with their attributes. As a second part of this work, a macros file for the GMT has been written, which provides many useful macros for the creation of Asbru guidelines. To examine the usability of the GMT and the usefulness of the Asbru macros, an evaluation with eight participants with different skills has been performed.


For more infos on the Agaard / Asbru project see the official Asgaard website.

Installations:  top

Screenshots:  top

All screenshots are made under Windows XP with JRE 1.4.0.
Last update at 27.04.2006 by Peter Votruba -