
3rd International Workshop on Ontology Alignment and Visualization - OnAV'10

February 16, 2010 Krakow, Poland, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow College
In conjunction with the International Conference on Complex,
Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems



For any inquiries please contact the Workshop Co-Chairs:

Monika Lanzenberger
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
Favoritenstr. 9-11/E188
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 (0) 1 58801 18871
F: +43 (0) 1 58801 18899
E: lanzenberger (at) ifs (dot) tuwien (dot) ac (dot) at

Jennifer Sampson
Kokstadflaten 31
5257 Bergen
T: +47 55 92 57 50
F: +47 55 92 57 51
E: jsa (at) epsis (dot) no

Sean Falconer
University of Victoria,
Computer Human Interaction & Software Engineering Lab
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
T: +1 (250) 472 5778
E: seanf (at) uvic (dot) ca