Robert M. Bruckner

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.



Note: I moved to Redmond (Washington, USA) in May 2003. I am now with the SQL Server group of Microsoft and working on a new business intelligence product within SQL Server, fully based on .NET and C#. The first version of SQL Server Reporting Services has been released in January 2004. It provides an information delivery platform for building, managing, and delivering data from any operational and business intelligence system. My areas include the high performance scalable server-side processing engine within SQL Server Reporting Services and the Report Definition Language.


I have received my PhD (with highest distinction: "Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis Rei Publicae") from the Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics in 2003 and a MSc in Computer Science in 2000. You will find some information related to my academic activities as Assistant Professor / Research and Teaching Assistant between 2000 and 2003 at the Institute of Software Technology & Interactive Systems (Vienna University of Technology) below.



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Research Areas / Fields of Interest:

Data Warehousing:


Programming Languages Concepts

Project Management


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Teaching / Advisor of Master Thesis:

Teaching SS 2003:

Seminar aus Informatik (Data Warehousing, SE, 2.0)

Lab2003 (PR, 10.0)

Projektpraktikum mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit  (PR, 10.0)

Informatikpraktikum I, II (PR, 10.0)

Teaching WS 2002/03:

AK der Praktischen Informatik 2: Data Warehousing: Near Real-Time Data Integration (VU, 2.0)

AK der Praktischen Informatik 4: Softwareentwicklung mit MS.NET und C# (VU, 2.0)

Intelligent Information Industries - Data Warehousing (VO, 4.0)

Praktikum Anwendungen der Wirtschaftsinformatik (PR, 4.0)

Informatikpraktikum (PR, 10.0)


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Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Recent / Forthcoming articles:

Toward Zero-Latency Data Warehousing:

In large enterprises, huge amounts of data are generated and consumed, and substantial fractions of the data change rapidly. Knowledge workers need up-to-date information to make timely and sound business decisions. Unfortunately, conventional decision support systems do not provide the low latencies needed for decision making in this rapidly changing environment. A zero-latency data warehouse utilizes near real-time data integration, time consistency and active decision engines in order to enable minimized latencies for near real-time decision support.

Data Warehouse Design & Development:

Data Warehouse Interoperability:

Data Warehouse Applications:


Miscellaneous Scientific and Technical Reports, and Thesis:

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bruckner _at_

Last modified: 07.06.2004