@inproceedings{AHM_04iiwas, author = {Mansoor Ahmed and {Hoang H.} Hanh and Shuaib Karim and Shah Khusro and Monika Lanzenberger and Khalid Latif and Michlmayr Elke and Khabib Mustofa and {Nguyen H.} Tinh and Andreas Rauber and Alexander Schatten and {Nguyen M.} Tho and {A Min} Tjoa}, title = {{SemanticLIFE} - {A} Framework for Managing Information of A Human Lifetime}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (IIWAS 2004)}, year = {2004}, month = {September 27-29}, editor = {}, pages = {}, publisher = {}, location = {Jakarta, Indonesia}, }